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  • ✔Extra Credit 101, AI Bae Alert, and Your Ultimate Study Hacks! 🚀

✔Extra Credit 101, AI Bae Alert, and Your Ultimate Study Hacks! 🚀

Conquer Finals & Navigate College Life: Mastering Extra Credit, Exploring AI Love, and Amping Up Productivity - A Praxy Bytes Exclusive!

Hang in there, study warriors! 🎓 Praxy Bytes is back with another power-packed issue.

This Week's Hot Topics 🎉

  • 📝 Extra Credit SOS: Avoid the Facepalm Requests

  • 🤖 AI Girlfriends? - Caryn AI: Quirky Tech or Black Mirror Episode?

  • 🙇‍♂️ Boss Level Productivity Hacks: Ultimate Finals Edition

  • 🦾 Virtual Study Groups: Level Up Your Study Game

1️⃣ The Art of Asking for Extra Credit: The Do's and Don'ts📚

How NOT to Ask for Extra Credit 🙅‍♀️🚫

Dear Professor X,

I know I haven't attended class in weeks and didn't submit three of the five major assignments, but I've recently discovered that I need a B to keep my scholarship. I'm currently sitting at a solid D-. Could you maybe create some extra credit work for me? Preferably something quick and easy, I have a lot going on.



Why this won't work? Why will this totally bomb? First, it comes off like you just don't care about your own work. Second, it's like you're saying the prof has nothing better to do than sort out your mess. And third, it's pretty clear you've been chilling all semester and now you just want a grade without putting in the work. It looks like you're all about that grade life, not so much about actually learning anything. 🙄🚫

The Right Way to Ask for Extra Credit 🙋‍♀️

Dear Professor X,

I hope this message finds you well. I am currently concerned about my grade in your class as I am aiming to maintain my scholarship, which requires a B average. I acknowledge that I struggled with some of the coursework this semester and I understand that my grade reflects that.

However, I am committed to improving my understanding of the material and I am prepared to put in additional effort to achieve this. Is there any possibility of extra credit work or other opportunities that could allow me to demonstrate my understanding of the material we have covered?

I would also appreciate any feedback or advice you could provide to help me improve. I genuinely enjoy your class and am eager to do better.



Why this works? Why does this totally rock? Well, it shows you're owning your mistakes and you're ready to hustle extra hard to make up for it. Plus, it shows you're actually into learning, not just chasing grades. It also gives props to the prof's time and knowledge. It's like saying, "Yeah, I goofed up, but I'm here to learn and I respect your time, too. 🤘🔥

If you're still feeling unsure about how to approach this delicate subject, use our Praxy Tutor feature. It can help you brainstorm or draft a polite and effective request for extra credit. Remember, the goal is learning, not just a better grade! 😉👍

Good luck, and remember: You've got this! 💪

2️⃣ Pop Culture Fix 📺🎬🍿

Snapchat influencer launches an AI-powered 'virtual girlfriend' to help 'cure loneliness'

Snapchat influencer Caryn Marjorie has introduced an AI-powered 'virtual girlfriend' called CarynAI, aiming to address the issue of loneliness among young men. However, this innovation has sparked debates surrounding its ethical implications and true motives. Read more about the controversy and its potential impact on our website. [Link to the full article]

Tech Blessing or monetizing the loneliness of young men. What do you think?

�� Almost 😭 🤣 😢 😂


ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? 😤 #lsu #geauxtigers #collegelife #shaq #shaquilleoneal #mood #school #finals #test #exam #trending #meme #relatab... See more

Finals on TikTok:

Who hasn't lived this? The grade curve miracle! #BeenThereDoneThat #FinalsStruggle 🙌😂🎓


i used to be a straight a student btw (junior year killed me xo) #college #grades #finalsweek #premed #student #premedstudent #collegestud... See more

/2️⃣ Study Hack: Essential Last-Minute Hacks! 📚

Copy, paste, and personalize these prompts in Praxy Tutor for tailored advice – let's conquer those finals together!

🧠 Power Study Schedule:

Don't just study, study smart! Prioritize your subjects based on exam dates and difficulty level. Create a balanced schedule that gives you enough time to cover all your subjects without burning out.

Prompt: "Given my learning style, which involves [describe learning style - visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or reading/writing], can you assist me in crafting a personalized study schedule for my final exams? I have exams in [list subjects] on [list dates]. [Subject] is my most challenging subject."

🧐 Active Recall & Review:

Ditch passive reading for active recall! Self-quizzing, flashcards, or teaching someone else can make your study sessions far more effective.

Prompt: Prompt: "Given that my subjects for this semester are [list subjects], how can I apply active recall techniques specifically for these areas? Could you suggest some subject-specific strategies or exercises that would help me actively recall and retain the information I've learned?"

🎧 Distraction-Free Zone:

Make your study space a 'no distraction' zone. Clear your desk, put your phone on silent, and consider using apps that block distracting sites.

Prompt: Prompt: "Considering I typically get distracted by [list specific distractions], could you provide me with tailored tips and strategies to create a distraction-free study environment? Also, suggest some techniques or tools that could help me manage these distractions during my study sessions."

Remember, the key to acing your exams is not just studying, but studying smarter. Now go crush those finals!!! 🙌 👊

3️⃣Praxy Labs Product Update: Your Faves Bookmarked & DIY Templates! 🚀 

🌟Bookmark Your Faves

Lost a killer prompt? Not anymore! Bookmark your top prompts for easy access. Your study sessions just got a level up.

Bookmarked Templates from public template library

🛠 DIY Templates

You know your study needs best. Now, create your own prompt templates and tailor your learning journey.

Create and save your own prompts

5️⃣ AI Side Hustles💰

Flex your AI skills and bring home the bacon! 🤖💸

AI-Powered Content Creation

Get creative with AI tools like Canva for designing stunning visuals, Grammarly for enhancing your writing, or Descript for editing podcasts or videos. Whether you're freelancing, starting your own blog, or creating a YouTube channel, these AI tools can level up your content creation game.

🌟Action: Start creating today! Use AI tools to stand out in the crowded content market and monetize your work.

Online Tutoring with AI Assistance

Are you a wiz in a particular subject? Use AI tools like Praxy Tutor to develop well-structured lesson plans and offer online tutoring services.

🌟Action: Advertise your services on social media or online tutoring platforms. Leverage AI to offer high-quality tutoring and start earning!

Social Media Management with AI Tools

Many businesses need help with social media. Use AI tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule posts, analyze performance, and manage multiple accounts. Offer your services as a social media manager and create engaging content.

🌟Action: Reach out to local businesses or offer your services on freelancing platforms. Use AI to manage social media like a pro!

Remember, the key to a successful side hustle is to align it with your skills and interests, while keeping it fun and manageable with your studies. Good luck! 🚀💰

Remember, the key to a successful side hustle is to leverage your unique skills, interests, and resources, while keeping it fun and manageable alongside your studies. Good luck!🚀💸

6️⃣ Other Tools for Students 🧰

Study Together: Meet, chat, and study with students from all over the world 🌍


hey! i just found out that on this site: studytogether.com there’s a study room where your hours (spent on learning) become money for peop... See more

5️⃣ Get Involved: Share, Earn & Connect 🌟

  • Spread the Praxy Bytes love with your buddies and classmates – let 'em in on the awesomeness! 💌

  • Stay in the loop with daily tips and updates: Twitter, TikTok, Instagram 📲

Keep slaying those finals, squad! Praxy's here with the epic hacks and powerhouse support you need right now. Let's conquer this together! 🎯💪🔥
